Home-baked Cheese Cupcakes

September 7th, 2012

Every now and then, I bake goodies for the children to bring to school. There are “best sellers” and are eaten up in 3, 2, 1… These are eaten up as soon as these are not too warm. Yes, they like these goodies eaten while still warm because they say these taste better. The hubby thinks so too and he eats these while having coffee. Coffee after dinner, that is.

home baked cheese cupcakes

Errrr… the photos are pixelated. I first posted this in IG.

Anyway, the children like this new kind of cupcakes I’m making: cheese cupcakes. Well not really, just basic cupcakes with grated cheese on top, 😀


Home-Baked Cupcakes

September 3rd, 2012

  Home-baked cupcakes for my school children: I need to bake a dozen again tonight for tomorrow’s packed snacks. A cupcake was eaten before the photo was taken. Warm cupcakes are the best! 😀 [ ... ]